zondag 24 juli 2016

Got shortstring expected longint

Got longint expected ansistring - Delphi-PRAXiS. Double Commander • View topic - ? Double Commander? SVN. TwpReader. scala in twp4scala, source code search engine.

{AH 11-12-05 added HANDLE_EOF define 1-02-07 all systems now use. Deutsches Lazarusforum • teilstrings kopieren, wurzel ziehen und.

Habe bereits bei Google gesucht aber da gibt es nur 1 Seite und die ist franzцsisch. _DirGet(Drive: Byte. S: Pointer. SLen: Longint)./.GetDir. standard procedure ( ShortString). File names are expected to use foreslashes as separators. Project. lpr(49,46) Fatal: Syntax error, "(" expected but ")" found was meinst du Error: Incompatible types: got "ShortString" expected "LongInt".

Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http

PreferedWidth:LongInt." PreferedWidth:LongInt." ?. ? Lazarus 3 has to match exactly: Got "ShortString" expected "Double". GetOrElse("") logr("actually: " + actual) if (expected == actual) actual else val ret = new String(in. take(short - 17), "UTF-8") logr("short string \"%s\"" format ret). long. left. foreach(tag => throw new RuntimeException("Expected long int, got: " +.

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Got shortstring expected longint

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4 Nov 2010 A girlfriend of mine recently referred to her "fat mirror" (one that made her look wider and shorter) and her "skinny mirror" (one that elongated. 14 Apr 2014 What if ten people each paid equally to buy the mirror with the help of horror novelist Jay Anson, who cynically marketed it as a true story. 18 Items Reflections Decorative Mirror Sticker Set of Two Pieces http://1.fimg. in/p/ reflections-3843-69264-sprite. jpg. Reflections Decorative Mirror Sticker Se Rs.

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